"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com

You are like a hamster on the wheel all day.

It’s not your fault.

You’re just trying to get everything done, but it never seems like enough. That is called having a short game plan, and it will lead to failure. Focus instead on having long-term goals that are realistic and attainable for your business. Then supplement those plans with short-term wins that will keep you motivated in the meantime.

Here is Your Problem:

We are all so busy and feel like we have to do everything, but when you’re doing a bunch of little things instead of focusing on the big picture, you can’t get ahead.

The people who are successful at what they do always focus and execute on their long-term goals. High performers know that as long as they keep moving forward in small ways every day, eventually, they will succeed.

Focus on your short-term goals while keeping your eyes on the prize. This is how you build your career to be successful over time.

You’re playing at a high level, but you know that your short game will suffer if you don’t take care of yourself mentally and physically.

What is the long game?

The long game is everything you do to enhance your mind and body to stay playing at this high level of success..

How are you optimizing it?

How are you enhancing it?

Are you doing something daily that gets your mind to get better? 

You have to evolve.

If you cannot pivot and move, have the space to feel good inside your head, you will eventually crumble. It is not if it is when!

Most players don’t think about their mental edge until they lose it. And most people who practice yoga or meditation only do so when they want an immediate result – like clearing their head right before they blow or to stop the chaos. But what if you find peace and more concentration with yourself on a more regular basis – even when things aren’t going well on the course?” 

I get it…

When you’re playing at a high level, it’s easy to get caught up with the pressure of such a competitive space. It can be hard not to feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle and that every day is another exhausting game of chess where one wrong move will cost you everything.

You know this feeling all too well: when your thoughts start racing in circles and end up spiraling out of control, or when self-doubt creeps its way back into your mind without warning. 

Even the most experienced players have days where they struggle. but what sets them apart is their ability to take care of themselves mentally and physically- their “long game”- so that even on those tough days they can still succeed while staying focused enough.

The long game has a plan

It can execute it every day, and not only that but also have an end goal in sight. The long game isn’t something you can accomplish overnight; it takes time to build up those foundations with consistent work- just like any other endeavor worth pursuing. If you’re looking for help creating your mind-body optimization plan and roadmap, I’d love to partner with you!

The highly customized plans are specifically for each client’s needs by considering their past experiences, successes, and daily challenges.

Contact me today so I can get started building out a personalized future together!

“A simple plan to getting everything done in less time”
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