So, I was lost for the first two weeks because I was not prepared to do my planning in this way. But I would like to explain how to make your goals for the year come true. But first, let me apologize able the missing time. Well what had happened was…. Right before I ordered my new planner, Michelle told me what she was doing and wanted to jump on her bandwagon.
What she showed me was something I was teaching to my clients. I have journaled for years now and have made it my own each time. What she was doing was adding creativity to hers. She showed me the things you can do with a bullet journal and my mind blow up. So many possibilities and tracking and pictures, colors and creativity, I needed to add that to my system.
So, I got a late start and began on Monday working on my Planning and tracking. What makes things worse is this new way has you drawing all of your tracking charts. Which can be problematic drawing everything you need, but so worth it.
Let me explain; I have been watching so many people talk and teach about goal setting and resolutions. Speaking about why they most people never get to the goals and ultimately forget about them shortly after. I don’t just do goals there is so much more that needs to happen to make it past your lovely need to self-sabotage yourself. It is in all of us. I teach people to realize it is there and waiting to come out and mess up everything.
What I all ways teach is to make anything real you must be able to SAY IT, SEE IT, FEEL IT. If you can not do that, it will always just out of your reach and vulnerable to be left behind. When Michelle sow me this bullet journal, I jumped on it because it further enforced this concept. I have to draw in all my finances, all my clients log tracking system, and most of my goals I want to accomplish this year.

Patrick Lerouge Bill tracking log for Bullet Journal
By drawing in all my tracking, I feel so much more connected to what needs to happen in my financial world and more important what clients need me most. I see where they are in my process of getting them to LIVE AND MOVE PAIN-FREE. It is a must to put your mark in your work. Planning your goals needs to be the same. The better you can put yourself into that process the more likely you will stay looking at it, which keeps in front of you so you can make it a priority. The extra time it takes to do this work is essential for the rest of the year.

Patrick Lerouge client log for bullet journal
I made so many tracking images, here is one for me reading books and audible books. I am torn about if I show draw it in as a read. Or should I put a bunch of books in and color them in as I read. Not sure yet but this is the point, the question already applies that I have read a bunch of books. bullet journal image
Next week, I will talk about the lesson I teach about end goals and what needs to happen to get to those goals called means goals.
Your homework today is
1.) what can you do to put yourself in your goal planning for the year?
2.) How do you think I should finish my bookcase? Draw them in as I go, or draw a bunch of untitled books first, then color as I go?
Comment down below and give me a nudge in a direction.