"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com

This month we will be taking apart and teaching about why your hip pain keeps coming back. I see a lot of hip pain showing up more this time of the year because of increased movement and activity; for instance, I garden and begin working in the yard.  Others start running and doing more outside exercise and activities which have a much higher physical impact. I have done other videos that are more focused the upfront causes of hip pain. This video is all about the back burner reasons why your hip pain keeps coming back.

Patrick Lerouge, www.livepainfreeprocess.com, hips pain keeps coming back, showing hip pain


The focal point for this reoccurring hip pain is the overuse and misuse of our hip rotators. The common muscle causing hip and secondary hip pain is Piriformis, gluteus medius and different parts of hip flexors. They all rotate out the hip, but the important question to ask is why are these muscle creating and maintaining trigger points?

Our piriformis muscle refers to deep in the sacrum and in the back pain of the hip at the back of the femur. Gluteus medius refers to the entire butt and back part of the hip. The hip flexors play a role here and refer to the front side of the hip.

So, Why Does Your Hip Pain Keep Coming Back?

It happens because we spend a lot of time in a seated position and we naturally will rotate our femur in or out.  Over contraction and overuse come into play due to this. What happens is while we sit we compress our glute depriving it of blood. We contract it ever so slightly using our hip rotators while sitting.  Not realizing it has not been getting adequate blood flow or movement. Then the first thing we do when we get up and walk is over exaggerate our first step.

Let me show you what I’m talking about. Try this now…

If you are sitting at a desk where you usually work or image you sitting in your car. Get up and look what your foot does. 100 percent of the time it will point in the direction you want to go. The only time it will be point straight is when you are seated on your couch and get up and go. And, the majority of the time, you will end up over-rotating a muscle that has been deprived for a while.

but that’s not the real kicker though…

The real problem happens when you do an activity that needs actual power to sustain your body, lIke me when I’m gardening and doing yard work. If I don’t prepare these muscle to move, then I won’t be able to work for long and my body will recruit other muscles to pick up the slack. This is why your hip pain keeps coming back.  Plus it might not even look the same because other muscles are creating more trigger points and malfunctions trying to keep up with this pattern.

This month I will be showing you how foam rolling, trigger point self-care, and stretching to combat this vicious cycle.

Enjoy the video. It explains more of why your hip pain keeps coming back. If you’ve got questions or want to tell me what you think, leave a comment down below and I’ll get right back to you!