"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com

Patrick lerouge, www.livepainfreeprocess.com, seasonal allergies

What’s up, everybody? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I’m here to help people understand that everything in the body is connected. I want you to realize that you can use that connectivity to help you eliminate pain for the long term and quickly all because you understand the concept of balance; mental, physical and emotional balance. That is the only way your body works quickly, and that is what I’m here to show you today.

Today we’re going to be talking about the concept of allergies….. and damn, allergies stink!! I just started getting allergies after 35 years of never having them. A few weeks ago my whole family was suffering from allergies as well. We nicknamed my daughter ‘the faucet’ since her runny nose would not stop! We had some fun with that at first before we realized what was happening.

Our bodies were having trouble dealing with the excess particles in the air that have always been there. That’s a problem for me on a deep level since that’s something our body is supposed to be able to do, but for some reason is not.

What I want to talk to you today about is the fact that our bodies are not falling apart on us. Some may bring up the argument of age. However my two-year-old, seven-year-old and my wife were all showing signs. For some reason, our bodies weren’t able to keep up anymore, and that is what the issue here is. What did we do in the past to allow these allergies do not affect us? That’s what I want to talk about today. I want you to understand that I put this issue through the Restorative Process and the Live Pain-Free grinder and came up with a perfect strategy for the Lerouge Family. It might not be for you, but it might be for somebody that wants to stay natural and is willing to do it consistently.

What Are Allergies?

Allergies are the body showing signs and symptoms of it performing a lot of work and not being able to keep up with the overload. The reason why your body gets all the sinus issues, watery eyes, etc. is because it is trying to expel all the pollen and different materials in the air.

We are now in blooming season; the snow is all gone; the dust and all these different particles in the air are being taken in by your body, mainly through your nose. As it takes in all the particles, it gets clogged, and your body attempts to deal with it.

What the western side of the world tries to do is block the particles from you. They’ve created prescriptions that try to let the pollen not affect you or they stop a reaction on a chemical level. What I’m going to explain to you is what I did, which is more on the eastern side of things; the nurturing side. We need to remember that your body knows how to take care of itself, it’s just not able to keep up at this moment. You want to start feeding that cycle and helping your body to get through what it needs to get through at that precise moment.

First, realize when something comes into a cell, let’s call it an allergen; it could be pollen, it could be a nut, could be anything, what happens is your body absorbs it. The allergen comes in, gets absorbed and starts to manipulate the cell. The cell now has to produce waste or chemical, which we’ll call histamine. This forces your body to protect itself against this new chemical in your body. Your body needs to get rid of all these chemicals. That’s our primary focus; getting your body to speed up the process, because guess what!?….. Spring is here, pollen is not going anywhere, and neither is grass. It is just going to get worse. You have to get your body to process better. That’s the name of the game, and that is what you have to start focusing on.

Now, this is beautiful! What we did was focus on producing more anti-histamines. I tested many things and put it through the process and realized I have to stop the onslaught of what’s happening.

I started to think about different things; my wife already used the Neti Pot, but that’s not sustainable for daily use. You can add stuff in the Neti pot like the saline solution or apple cider vinegar, which seems to be used for everything nowadays. Although that’s one approach, I decided that it wasn’t going to work for sustainability for daily use. If you’re suffering from a tuff case, you might want to clean out your nasal cavity. Apple cider vinegar, as mentioned, is good at cleaning things out and starts to help your body boost its immune system. Boosting your immune system is the most important condition here.

Another thing you can do is close all your windows, but that’s not fun. It doesn’t work for the Lerouge Family as we are outside people. What we ended up doing is working on a cellular level. I’m going to tell you one of my key things that’s easy for everyone to do. It’s called Nettle Leaf. I found it at Whole Foods in essential oil form, but you can probably find it other holistic places also. It also comes in a dry tea form if you prefer drinking tea, but I decided to go with a more pure form.

What I started doing was giving everyone one a dropper full for the first day. After that, I started drinking a tea with apple cider vinegar and coconut oil to help my body produce and do the things that it needs to do. I also gave my kids the tea, which was a big dose upfront. We did that the first day since we were having a real hard time. We took it in the morning, noon and the evening. Then we started adding drops of it in our water bottles. That’s the sustainable trick; putting drops in the water bottle. Then I started watching them throughout the day. My daughter the faucet began to slow down to 50%. My son, not so red in the eyes. Me, I had the scratchy throat, and the compact sinuses and my wife had the posterior drip. We had everything across the board, and by the end of the day one everything was cut in half.

What I saw was that on the second day everything took hold. It took us two days to make everything better. It’s going to take time for your body to harmonize and start processing all the gunk out. That’s what this is all about. Getting the gunk out, so what I want you to do is find something that sustainably works for you, something that’s going to get your body to get the gunk out. It may be the Nettle Leaf, or there are plenty of different things that I found out there. Another was roasting some onions down and taking that with some local organic honey. There are many things you can do; you just have to make it sustainable in your way. I found this is the best method for us since we can go anywhere and everywhere by using it in our water bottles and it will cut the majority of the symptoms down. It’s not going to eliminate them, as that’s not what the body is doing. The body needs to get all this stuff out.

So folks, find out that sustainable method that works for you. This method worked for us; find out what works for you. The only way that’s going to happen is by you testing it safely. I do not suggest trying it out on your two-year-old, I would test it out on yourself first.  So, if this helped, please send it out because this is something that a lot of people need to hear. It’s not just about blocking everything or running to a drug. It’s about getting your body to balance itself out. Till next time folks, bye.

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