"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com

We all feel that we all are falling apart. It is a common occurrence to stay the course and continue to have pain that keeps popping up or keep not getting the results you want when it comes to a health care plan.

There comes a point in readjusting your plan when you must look at your starting point and see if that is correct. In the case of the human body and how we address our ailments, I believe we’ve gone slightly off target. And, this is why we keep falling apart.

Your starting point to any project or experiment is critical to long-term change in a positive way. In this case, we are working with making our bodies work more efficiently. And, for many, we have had a single starting point all our lives that has never been examined or tweaked.

Our starting point is the cause of us feeling like we are falling apart

Google Image of what the body is

Everything looks normal to me right? Nope, I realize now that no one’s body will ever be this perfect. Yet, we are are shooting for it because we have seen it forever. The old days of learning showed a different image to learn from.

In this image, I see a body I see all the time – unbalanced and showing the natural curves and adaptions of the body. This is normal and this is what we need to start from.

In the series, I will take apart why we are falling apart from a new perspective of normal: a body that is adaptable and will change all the time. Our constant in healing the human body is the fact we changed the world in a predictable manner.


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(and a special deal you will LOVE!))

Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

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