"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com

There are many reasons why you can be having a hard time with your neck. This video tutorial will give you another reason why you can have chronic pain in your neck. I take a more in-depth look into this cause and show you an area that needs to move and most of the people do not realize they are not breathing correctly, which ensure that your first rib will not open and close.

This video will cover muscles that will cause chronic pain in your neck but more importantly the bones that need to move, which stabilizes and mobilizes the neck. When clients come in they always say I have this chronic neck pain that comes and goes, it is annoying.

Muscles that plays a role in neck pain could be sternocleidomastoid, traps, levator scapula and erectors. The muscle we will be focusing on is scalenes and the attachment to the first rib. I see so many hidden issues revolving around the way we breathe and how we use our arms.


The first rib is a small bone that moves with our breath. It moves up and down slightly, and the other ribs follow along. Chronic neck pain can come into play when the movement does not happen. Which results in not taking deep breathes or low enough breath, because you’re not getting enough movement in the rib cage results in many different types of pain throughout the body. How we notice something is wrong is that we see a shoulder higher than the other or worse case scenario we can not turn our head.

There is a need to grab the trap and  lower level muscles of the neck to solve this ache, but that is not the reason why you are in pain. We need to take a more in-depth look at what is happening.


The muscles are called SERRATUS POSTERIOR INFERIOR AND SUPERIOR. The assist in raising the ribs and depressing the ribs. If the first rib does not move appropriately, they will not allow much movement within the rib cage. This causes ” you guessed it ” chronic neck pain”, It does this but not working well and the body compensating using the levator scapula and erectors of the neck to stabilize and move the shoulder with the neck.  These compensations will tax the system until it pops. AKA does not allow you to move your neck. After a flare-up which you will react accordingly getting those tissues to calm down and the process will start again, until pain.

To fix this issue, you have to begin to think more a systemized approach. If you have not done so take a look at the trigger point video course, I teach you how to address your body in a more structured efficient manner.  The course teaches you to focus on proactivity, not reactivity.



To get a quick jump start on trigger pointing for neck pain go to. https://livepainfreeprocess.com/three-muscles-trigger-point-neck-pain/

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