"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com

What’s up everybody, Patrick Lerouge from Evolve Restorative Therapy your health consultant doing one of my walking in talkings. Today I wanted to say if you are suffering from allergies this chat is for you.

It is now going into September and the kids and I are prepping for our walk to school. We are practicing seeing how it feels, to see how it long it takes to get to school so we can time the walk to not be late. Tyler and I were discussing the reason why we prep for things. The example I used was how I have been working on my allergies and must get ahead of the curve in order to not feel bad during the season.
When you think of prepping or getting ahead of allergy season I am not thinking of. Do you have all your allergy medicine in line or your allergy supplements? The way that I have been cutting down my allergy symptoms for a for a couple years now is that I must realize that the body is going through a seasonal change and need to transition to the next type of environment. Problem is it not in the best place to make the change.

Summer’s all about the Heat

The hotness and the continual heat on your body dries your internal skin out. Hydration is key to battling allergies. Proper hydration allows for the proper amount of mucus production to defend your body an against allergens. But Because we are chronically dehydrated, we produce an excess of mucus causing most of our symptoms. The main point and take away I want you to hear is are you ahead of the game?
A foundation lesion I teach is the timeline of pain. I teach my clients is you have thoughts that turn into words. The things that you say, turn into the actions, the actions that you do consistently turn into the habits that you have that formed the beliefs, the beliefs dictate back into your thoughts. That is the timeline of pain.

Whether it’s a physical pain and mental pain emotion thing. That timeline happens. In this conversation we are prepping for is allergies. On this walk we are prepping my kids for walking to school, getting sun and getting exercise. I am getting them to act and prep for what’s to come. What is your action that you’re going to be doing for allergy season?

I want you to see it coming so it’s no surprise. What I’m going to do in September, is be talking all about the things that happened and why you have allergies. In September I will break apart and go further into allergies and show you what I’m going to be doing. I’m giving you a glimpse into my cleanse I’m going to be doing in the second week of September to balance my body in preparation for the shift in seasons.
The only way that you’re gonna find out is if you’re following me and having fun with me. So, I would like to say if you have any thoughts about allergies, and or you say I don’t know what to do. Stay tuned.

Put your comments down below.

If you like this video, please share it like it. Give it to somebody that needs some help. So many people suffer from allergies and it doesn’t have to be this way. Remember, everything I’m going to be doing is teaching you how to get back to the basics, the basics of living properly.
Until next time, folks, Peace.



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