"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com
People don’t put themselves first

People don’t put themselves first

What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here from livepainfreeprocess.com and I have a pain free concierge service. This pain-free concierge service is doing amazing things, and it’s starting to evolve past where I thought it would. What I have been doing is looking at all my clients and realized that my live pain-free process that’s giving them. It has all the tools to balance out their emotional state, help them clarify their mental state and redo the body in the physical world. What I realized is that they all have a common thread. The common thread is they don’t put themselves first.

The business is starting to shift into showing people an easy way to make themselves better. It’s putting them first. It’s a priority. It’s hugely important. I’m so excited to say it because I finally have a weapon, a tool, a target to get it to everyone where they’re going to say, “You know what, I don’t put myself first.”

If you’re in pain and you didn’t have trauma, I guarantee you there’s something in the emotional world, something in the mental world, something in the physical world that you are lacking. The reason why you’re not taking care of it is that you do not put yourself first.


You always have all these other tasks that need to happen. What I’m saying, is you don’t need to abandon all those important tasks, you just need to re-prioritize and put you consistently in front. It needs to be a choice. That’s what’ uber important. You need to choose you. You need to focus on you so you can help others. So you can do your job better.

So many people come back and say, “I just don’t have time.” You must make the time because you become first. You are the priority. You need to rearrange the way that you see the world. You need to understand that if you don’t feel well, you will not do anything. It just won’t happen. What I want you to do, is think about how much of a priority do I make myself.  Then choose to change it.

Don’t do anything just yet. Just say you know what I need to make myself a priority first. You need to feel that before anything can happen, you need to feel it in your heart. Like, “Oh, I don’t put myself first because of all those other tasks that you will list.” List them out. Write them out. Just be like my kids, have me, my husband has me, my wife has me, my job has me. All these things are just pulling and pulling from me, but you know what I never refill myself. I never actively do the things that I love, a hobby, journaling, painting.

Choose the things you like to do to refill

My kids get things like an adult coloring book. I find myself doing it more than them. So I use them as a tool to get things that make me look internal and calm myself. Do you color? Do you have an adult coloring book? It’s surprisingly calming. I am serious about that. That’s what I want you to do. I want to sit down look and say, “Do I put myself first?”

Now, put a comment down below. I have this brand new comment box that I finally figured out. I want you guys actually to comment. Tell me one do you put yourself first and if you put yourself first help somebody else by saying this is how I did it. Right? Start the conversation. Let’s see what happens. Let’s open this up and get people to start prioritizing themselves first. Imagine that. Make a choice. Until next week, guys, I’ll see you later.

Introduction to EFT, tapping on neck pain

Introduction to EFT, tapping on neck pain

This is our introduction to EFT, which stands for emotion freedom technique. Today will be tapping on neck pain. So far we have gone over the fact that neck pain normally creeps up on you. It is based on not seeing the other side of an issue. Could be rather small but normally gone unnoticed so the body is beginning to get you to focus on one thing. which we spoke about, the body holding your neck in one position giving you only one vantage point.

Tapping for neck pain uses last week’s chat and brings it into our energetic emotional world. so if you did not watch last week video tip please do so HERE. The main purpose behind all therapies is to get the nervous system to calm down and get out of the fight flight or freeze system, also known as the limbic system. Tapping these point is an easy way to do this. We normally hit these acupressure points naturally  without even knowing. When we are stressed we rub our forehead or the back of necks and the easiest one to see is rubbing our temples to relieve a headache.

All tapping is calming down your limbic system by talking about your issue. Normally we tend to not want to think about our issues and try to stay positive. This is the big difference because we are bringing awareness to what is stressing us and get the body to calm down the system so it can respond not react to what you are going through.


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Everyone desires a pain free life but there is one thing you are not doing to get that life……

What’s up folks? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com.
Today is going to be a tricky topic, more of a touchy topic because there’s a fine line here and a lot of people don’t know the difference. Everyone knows that you can bring a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. So one of the things that happen here is you come in to the program and I find out why you want to do this, what you are taking out of your life that you want to bring back – all of these different things so I can find out what’s your desire level. That desire level shows me how much you’re willing to put into it. As I start to develop the program more and more, I started realizing that, ‘Oh my goodness. Desire is not good enough for long-term results.’
And that’s what started getting tricky because I had to get people to, one, desire something and then switch that desire into something more primal. You need to be this other person, and you have to lock on to the, ‘I need to be this other person’ because if you don’t, things will start to waiver. Or it’s almost like if you want a piece of chocolate: ‘I really need it.’ When it happens, because you crave it, because you want it right this precise second. But if I take you away from it long enough, ‘My God. Wow, I really did want it.’ But you know what? It didn’t turn out all right. So be it.


I see this a lot when it comes on to pain, when people stay in pain for long terms. They’re like, ‘Oh my God, I can’t do this but I really, really do want to be pain free.’ But as soon as they realize they have to put in the work, consistently, consistently, that desire starts to wither away. It doesn’t hold up for the long term.
We have to get you to focus on the long term only. And the only way that’s going to happen is this: start off with the desire. Start off saying, ‘I really, really want to do this.’ Then start to change that thought process just a little bit based on your experiences: celebrate, ‘Oh look, I have my first day of pain-free living. Yay!’ Everyone just says that. But what I intend to do is reinforce it: ‘Oh my God, you had your first day. Doesn’t it feel good?’ Look, this is what you can do and I’ll show you. This is who you are and this is why you have to stay there. Think about it. How much better could you be after your first time you’re pain free? And now you look at all the things that you’re doing, how you started to expand your self-image. How much better would that feel if you did that for a week, for a month? And then when you start doing it consistently more and more, I start reminding you: ‘By the way, you’re doing it! Great job! You’re doing it!’
We have this tendency to play down all of our accomplishments. Stop it. Folks, get it. Get it and say – like scream it – ‘Oh my God, I had my first day without knee pain! Yay!’ or ‘It’s my first time that I did my trigger point stretching and my pain actually went away. I’m starting to communicate with my body! Yay!’ Tell yourself constantly, ‘I need this feeling to be here. I need to do the things that got me here consistently because this is what’s going to make me that person on a later date.’ That’s what you have to start doing, it’s not just the desire. You have to manually focus on the fact that you need to be this person.
That desire starts the process, but it will wither away as soon as you keep on getting hit with tests and tests, hit harder and harder with more things that you’re doing. Because remember, it only gets bigger in the obstacles that you have to do, the better you are. You have to change it up.
So when things happen to a person that’s functional and all that, it happens on a massive level because he’s cutting down all the little stuff. So many bad things have to happen in a row for something monumental to happen. It’s going to be huge in that way. So you have to remember that. And in order for you to do that, you have to realize that this is who you are; you need to be the stronger person for your kids – for whatever reason it is, you need to be it, not want it. ‘That would be nice if I could get down and play with my kids all day.’ ‘That would be nice if I would play basketball because I used to love playing basketball.’ ‘I need to do this because this is who I am.’
That’s what you got to focus on. ‘I need. I need. I need.’ Get it. Get it in your head and don’t let go because that what’s going to drive you for the long term especially when it comes to pain because that’s a hard thing to start cleaning up for the long term. You’re going to be hit with constant bouts of: sometimes it hurts, sometimes it doesn’t, sometimes you do this, it hurts and sometimes it doesn’t. You have to reel it in. It’s just going to be an ebb and flow. You’re going to have to dance with it. And the only way you’re going to be able to dance is if you recognize your accomplishments. As small as, ‘I didn’t have knee pain when I woke up. I had a day without pain, etcetera, etcetera.’ Get it in your head. You need it but start with the desire.
Folks, this is a hard one for a lot of people to really take in and bring in a long-term way. So, if you have any questions, comment below. Email me – say something because if you have a question, I guarantee you somebody else does. And by you’re asking that question and taking that bigger step, it gets that other person that answer who’s even more scared than you are. So help somebody out. Ask me the question, I will answer it and we’re just going to have some fun here folks, all right? So if you guys enjoyed this, share it. If you guys have not part of my newsletter, become part of it. Until next time. Bye.